Whom aids development aid? Between donor and recipient interests
Here you can find the recording of the panel discussion.
Interdisciplinary discussion with
- Prof. Dr. Till Bärnighausen, Institut for Public Health, Heidelberg University
- Prof. Dr. Axel Dreher, Alfred-Weber-Institute for Economics, Heidelberg University
Whether and to what extent development aid is actually improving the situation of the people in the recipient countries, is highly controversial. Often it serves the aims of the donor states more than those of the recipient countries. Development aid is supposed to counteract terrorism and migration flows; but often it buys votes in international organisations and serves the personal aims of politicians in the recipient countries – or it goes to countries with anti-growth policies and corrupt elites. How can development aid better serve its original purpose? How can it for example be achieved that development aid has a positive impact on the health care of the recipient country’s populace? The panel questions the current practice of development aid and discusses possible alternatives.
Wednesday, December 12, 6 p.m.
Marsilius-Kolleg, Lecture Hall
Im Neuenheimer Feld 130.1, 69120 Heidelberg
In Kooperation mit der
Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung |