Fellow-Klasse 2023/24 Prof. Dr. Jörg Jäckel
Arbeitsvorhaben am Marsilius-Kolleg
Investigating systematic sources of error in the design and interpretation of experiments in the natural and social sciences -- Experiments in Economics/Physics
A fundamental tool of the physical and social sciences are experiments to probe the ``laws’’ governing the system of interest. As any human endeavor, this is prone to errors. This project will investigate sources of error in designing and interpreting experiments. We focus on conceptual errors. Examples from physics and economics include experiments based on faulty calculations/simulations or approximations, and cases where the experimental design or the interpretation of results are based on a conceptually tenuous understanding of the relationship between models and reality. We will begin by conducting (largely informal) surveys among researchers in our respective professional networks. The goal will be to collect examples of such conceptual errors. Depending on what we find, we intend to take stock of the types of errors that occur within each subject area. Another goal will be to explore the extent to which researchers are aware of these problems. Next, we look forward to sharing our findings with fellows from other disciplines. We hope that this will spur a discussion in which we can share related experiences in the different disciplines, as well as strategies used to deal with these challenges. Such a discussion is likely to yield insights that can help improve the quality of experimental research in all fields. One possible product would be a joint paper summarizing these insights for an interdisciplinary and / or general interest audience. On the physics side we plan to start with specific proposals where doubts have already come up. Within economics, we intend to distinguish errors that stem form improper implementation of models or a failure to distinguish between results and interpretation.

- Theoretical Physics
- Particle Phenomenology
- Cosmology
- since 2012 Professor, Institute for theoretical Physics, Heidelberg University
- 2014-2016 Visiting professor, Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology
- 2011-2012 Reader, Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology, Durham University, UK
- 2007-2011 Lecturer, Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology, Durham University, UK
- 2008 Junior research group leader, Heidelberg Graduate School of Fundamental Physics
- 2006-2007 Research associate, Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology, Durham University, UK
- 2004-2006 Postdoctoral fellow, Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg
- 2003-2004 Research associate, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Heidelberg University
- 2000-2003 Doctoral researcher in theoretical physics at Heidelberg University
- 1997-2000 Study of physics at Heidelberg University
Ausgewählte Publikationen
J. Jaeckel and A. Ringwald, “The Low-Energy Frontier of Particle Physics”, Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 60 (2010) 405 [arXiv:1002.0329 [hep-ph]]. [937 citations] |
P. Arias, D. Cadamuro, M. Goodsell, J. Jaeckel, J. Redondo and A. Ringwald, “WISPy Cold Dark Matter”, JCAP 1206 (2012) 013 [arXiv:1201.5902 [hep-ph]]. [691 citations] |
S. A. Abel, M. D. Goodsell, J. Jaeckel, V. V. Khoze and A. Ringwald, “Kinetic Mixing of the Photon with Hidden U(1)s in String Phenomenology”, JHEP 07 (2008), 124 [arXiv:0803.1449 [hep-ph]]. [331 citations] |
M. Goodsell, J. Jaeckel, J. Redondo and A. Ringwald, “Naturally Light Hidden Photons in LARGE Volume String Compactifications”, JHEP 0911 (2009) 027 [arXiv:0909.0515 [hep-ph]]. [336 citations] |
M. Bauer, P. Foldenauer and J. Jaeckel, ”Hunting All the Hidden Photons”, JHEP 07 (2018), 094 [arXiv:1803.05466 [hep-ph]]. [269 citations] |
D. Horns, J. Jaeckel, A. Lindner, A. Lobanov, J. Redondo and A. Ringwald, Searching for WISPy Cold Dark Matter with a Dish Antenna, JCAP 1304 (2013) 016 [arXiv:1212.2970 [hepph]]. [227 citations] |
J. Jaeckel and M. Spannowsky, “Probing MeV to 90 GeV axion-like particles with LEP and LHC”, Phys. Lett. B 753 (2016), 482-487 [arXiv:1509.00476 [hep-ph]]. [219 citations] |
C. Englert, J. Jaeckel, V. V. Khoze and M. Spannowsky, ”Emergence of the Electroweak Scale through the Higgs Portal”, JHEP 1304 (2013) 060 [arXiv:1301.4224 [hep-ph]]. [183 citations] |
H. Gies and J. Jaeckel, “Chiral phase structure of QCD with many flavors”, Eur. Phys. J. C 46 (2006), 433-438 [arXiv:hep-ph/0507171 [hep-ph]]. [180 citations] |
M. Ahlers, H. Gies, J. Jaeckel, J. Redondo and A. Ringwald, “Laser experiments explore the hidden sector”, Phys. Rev. D 77 (2008), 095001 [arXiv:0711.4991 [hep-ph]].[168 citations] |
Prof. Dr. jörg jäckel
Institut für Theoretische Physik
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
E-Mail: j.jaeckel@thphys.uni-heidelberg.de