
Project Prof. Dr. Joachim Funke

Human interaction with complex systems


With respect to my umbrella theme of "complexity" there are several issues for interdisciplinary research:


-   routine activities and creativity. How much consciousness is necessary in complex environments? Many experts in complex domains rely on their intuition and on highly automated actions. When comes creativity into play?

-   free will and constrained actions: The more complex a field, the more constraint are to be fulfilled, the less freedom of action can be found. Is there still a place for free will in complex domains?

-   cognition and emotion: especially in complex environments come into play (e.g., due to loss of control) - can  emotions be of any help to a  rational decision maker in complex environments?

-   functional and dysfunctional ways of dealing with complexity: a normal reaction to complexity is stress. What amount of stress is helpful, and when does it become dysfunctional? Is there an optimal degree of complexity?

-   methods for explaining and for understanding: Complex domains sometimes can only be understood on a global level even if an detailed explanation cannot be given. The two extreme points (Verstehen versus  Erklären) make it necessary to think of multiple perspectives instead of one method being the best.


Together with other fellows a specification of these issues will be undertaken in the next year.



Editor: office
Latest Revision: 2011-07-13
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