Marsilius Autumn School 2010
Bridging the water gap – interdisciplinary perspectives
Wassermangel überwinden – interdisziplinäre Perspektiven

Each presentation unit comprises a speech of 45 - 60 min. and a discussion of 30 - 45 min.
All lectures will be held at the IWH unless otherwise announced.
Tuesday, Nov. 9th 2010: Arrival |
3 pm: |
Welcome event with coffee |
4 – 4:15 pm: |
Greeting of the participants |
4:15 – 6 pm: |
Short presentation of the participants |
6 pm: |
Dinner |
Wednesday, Nov. 10th 2010: Introduction and basic lectures |
9 – 10:30 am: |
Basic lecture Geography: Water scarcity in arid regions – natural and man-made |
Heidelberg University, Geography |
10 – 10:30 am: |
Coffee break |
11 – 12:30 pm: |
Basic lecture Environmental Physics: Methods of environmental physics in water research |
Heidelberg University, Institute of Environmental Physics |
12:30 pm – 2 pm: |
Lunch |
2 – 3:30 pm: |
Poster session (House Buhl): Poster presentation of participants’ research projects |
3:30 – 4 pm: |
Coffee break |
4 – 5:30 pm: |
Basic lecture Biology: Anthropogenic strains on organisms in aquatic ecosystems |
Heidelberg University, Zoology |
5:30 pm: |
Dinner |
7 pm: |
Greeting of the participants in the name of Heidelberg University |
Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Thomas Rausch |
Followed by: |
Evening lecture: Water as a resource – current state and perspectives of a global analysis |
University of Munich (LMU), Geography |
Thursday, Nov. 11th 2010: Basic lectures and focus on groundwater |
9 – 10:30 am: |
Basic lecture Economics: Water markets and water prices |
Heidelberg University, Alfred-Weber-Institute, Faculty of Economics |
10:30 – 11 am: |
Coffee break |
11 – 12:30 pm: |
Basic lecture: National and international water law – an introduction |
Heidelberg University, Faculty of Law |
12:30 pm – 2 pm: |
Lunch |
2 – 3:30 pm: |
Sustainable groundwater management |
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, Institute of Environmental Engineering, Switzerland |
3:30 – 4 pm: |
Coffee break |
4 – 5:30 pm: |
Groundwater models: practical examples from Germany |
Groundwater modeling/ Engineering Office, Wiesloch |
5:30 pm: |
Dinner |
Friday, Nov. 12th 2010: Efficient Water Use |
9 – 10:30 am: |
Water availability and water use: current state and future development in the Jordan River Region |
Heidelberg University, Geography |
10:30 – 11 am: |
Coffee break |
11 – 12:30 pm: |
Technical aspects of efficient water use at a network location of the chemical industry |
Franz Sanden |
BASF Chemical Company, Ludwigshafen |
12:30 pm – 2 pm: |
Lunch |
2 – 6 pm: |
Excursion to BASF (Ludwigshafen) |
6:30 pm: |
Dinner |
Saturday, Nov. 13th 2010: Case Study Jordan |
9 – 10:30 am: |
The water situation of Jordan from an institutional perspective |
Jordan University Amman, Geography |
Heidelberg University, Geography |
10:30 – 11 am: |
Coffee break |
11 – 12:30 pm: |
Strengths and challenges in the Jordanian water sector |
Ing. Maysoon Zoubi |
12:30 pm – 2 pm: |
Lunch |
2 – 3:30 pm: |
The reform of the water law in Jordan: aims, constraints, background information |
Dr. Andreas Lück |
German Technical Cooperation (GTZ), Amman, Jordan |
The Highland Water Forum in Jordan: A participative approach to conflict resolution regarding water as a common property in the Highlands of Jordan |
Ing. Guy Honoré |
German Technical Cooperation (GTZ), Amman, Jordan |
3:30 – 4 pm: |
Coffee break |
4 – 6:30 pm: |
Presentations about Jordan of the doctoral students of the “Water Group Heidelberg“ (5x 20 min. + discussion) |
7:00 pm: |
Conference Dinner |
Sunday, Nov. 14th 2010: Free time/ Side program |
e. g. a visit to the castle and the old city center of Heidelberg |
Monday, Nov. 15th 2010: Case study Jordan |
9 – 10:30 am: |
The right to water as exemplified by the peace treaty between Israel and Jordan |
Max-Planck-Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg |
10:30 – 11 am: |
Coffee break |
11 – 12:30 pm: |
Interim conclusion and feedback of the participants: their own research projects in the interdisciplinary context of the Autumn School |
12:30 pm – 2 pm: |
Lunch |
2 – 4 pm: |
Study of documentation on the case study Jordan |
4 – 6 pm: |
Discussion on documents, formation of groups, start of workshop on the case study Jordan |
6 pm: |
Dinner |
Tuesday, Nov. 16th 2010: Workshop |
9 – 12:30 pm: |
Workshop on the case study Jordan (House Buhl) |
12:30 pm – 2 pm: |
Lunch |
2 – 6 pm: |
Presentation of the results of the workshop, joint evaluation, and final discussion |
6 pm: |
Dinner |
Wednesday, Nov. 17th 2010: Departure |
Individual departure |