Curriculum Vitae Prof. Dr. Ulrich Platt

1974 Diploma in Physics at the University of Heidelberg

1977 Promotion (Dr. rer. nat.) at the University of Heidelberg on: "Mikrometeorologische Bestimmung der SO2-Abscheidung im Boden."

1977 Scientist at the Institute for Atmospheric Chemistry of teh Nuclear Research Centre Jülich (today: Forschungszentrum Jülich, KFA).

1980 Visiting scinetist at the "Statewide Air Pollution Research Center (SAPRC)", University of California/Riverside. Application of the DOAS principle at Riverside.

1981-1982 Visiting scientist at the SAPRC, University of California, Riverside. Field and laboratory measurements. Research on nitrate-radicals and smog chemistry.

1984 Habilitation in Geophysics at the University of Cologne, on: "Neue Erkenntnisse zur Chemie der Stickoxide in der Atmosphäre".

1989 Chair (Ordinarius) at the Universtiy of Heidelberg in experimental physics.

1990-today Director at the Institute for Environmental Physics of the University of Heidelberg.

Editor: office
Latest Revision: 2014-01-08